Monday, 7 September 2015

Labor Day Breakfast

What I ate: Luna Protein Bar

Fullness: like a 5.5

I was dizzy before eating it so I'm going to assume I was hungry but I'm not totally sure. This was actually really challenging for me in a couple ways. Mostly because it's my first time making an active decision to eat when I first wake up while knowing that I'm going to eat lunch and dinner. So, if all goes according to plan it'll be my first day with three meals in almost 2 weeks. Which is super anxiety provoking. Also, I usually reserve protein bars for when I'm doing more exercise. Today I'm just going to the beach so there's no need for so much protein. Plus it makes you gain weight faster. Or at least that's what I've heard. 

As far as like the taste of it, it was fine. Nothing horrible or great. Granted the after taste is absolutely disgusting. But yeah. It is what it is. 


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